Getting frustrated on the rush-hour train Not looking where I'm going, I step in gum on the way to the gate And now, my boss is getting heated at me, geez So I guess I'll eat a whole bag of donuts I heard that my friend got a boyfriend, They're going to get barbecue on the weekend, Online, they post such normal pics of them making peace signs Huh, somehow that makes me cry a little One time, I dreamt that I would go to rescue a fair princess Stop sleep-talking already, cause You can only beat fate yourself, right? Right, right, right? Now, stand up and fight, girls of the world! We'll cut through the night and fly through the sky Can you really catch up to us? Boys Without you there, I'm only half of a whole Turning on my robot's blackish-brown turbo mode I hop on and search for you within a maze That mermaid waits for me, at noon I'm simply an expert at wielding this butcher knife Let's go on a kappa-watching trip! I doubt there's anyone out there that has the time for that What a great idea! You can take all my money Geez, kappas certainly are emotionally moving, aren't they? One time, I dreamt that My fair prince would come to rescue me But that dream isn't a dream anymore, Ah, I've come for you To my venus, I offer you this glass slipper Maybe, this is checkmate for me Maybe, just maybe... Maybe, just maybe... Not just maybe! Now, stand up, and don't lose, champions! Let's vanquish the monsters and save the world We'll run together until the very end Holding hands, we become one I'm going leave behind my diligent duty, Well then, I suppose I'll just have to kick your booty That's really an odd approach to this I suppose then, I'll just put a collar on you and leave you behind It's fine, even if we can't get boyfriends, Because we're strong, like a human weapon When we're beating up the enemy, we're super charming But inside, we have fragile hearts like anyone else Now, stand up and fight, girls of the world! We'll cut through the night and fly through the sky Can you really catch up to us? Boys Without you there, I'm only half of a whole Even when surrounded by sorrow, we can overcome it When we hold hands, our hearts become one TL notes: The donuts line literally says "eat seven donuts". that's the amount that's in a standard like. store-bought donut bag in japan. so. i changed it